If you want to do a collab with me i'll join it.
I'll join any collab.
Now here's a dedication to FatBadger!
I create spam flashes!
Age 32, Male
Joined on 5/17/07
Posted by half-a-nip - October 18th, 2008
If you want to do a collab with me i'll join it.
I'll join any collab.
Now here's a dedication to FatBadger!
Posted by half-a-nip - October 13th, 2008
I've got this idea for a spam collab.
It's called the 120 fps collab!!
To contribute to this collab all you have to do is send me a .fla with 120 fps.
You can PM me here or e-mail me at dearlittlelamb@gmail.com
Send it through sendspace.com.
Oh yeah,it must be 550 x 400 and the background must be white but you can add in your own background.
And remember 120 fps aaaaaaaand it's a SPAM collab!
Now have a banana. :)
Posted by half-a-nip - September 29th, 2008
<div id='vid1' style='width:320px;height:16px;text-al ign:center;background-color:dedede;'>W itch Doctor Mp3</div>
<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='320' height='30' data='http://layoutstar.com/images/mp3 raid/i/mp3player.swf'><param name='movie' value='http://layoutstar.com/images/mp 3raid/i/mp3player.swf'><param name='flashvars' value='config=http://layoutstar.com/im ages/mp3raid/varext.php&file=http://r4 fou.free.fr/mp3/witchdoctor.mp3'><embe d type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src='http://layoutstar.com/images/mp3r aid/i/mp3player.swf' width='320' height='30' flashvars='config=http://layoutstar.co m/images/mp3raid/varext.php&file=http:
/embed></object><div id='mp31' style='width:320px;text-align:center;'
><font style='font-size:12px;font-family:Taho ma;'>Mp3 Downloads | Music Videos |
Posted by half-a-nip - September 26th, 2008
I'm making a spam collab about Metal Gear Solid.
It's going to be BIG.
PM be if you want to join.